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comment by OftenBen
OftenBen  ·  3841 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Possible life in Venusian Clouds

Can someone with more knowledge of science than me explain to me why it would be impossible to alter an extremophile bacteria or algae or something that produces oxygen as a waste product to start the terraforming process of venus? No competition or predators, I imagine a properly adapted organism could proliferate quite quickly unopposed, possibly even quickly enough to make an appreciable difference in atmosphere in our lifetime?

JakobVirgil  ·  3841 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Carl Sagan was for this.

I think especially if there are native prokaryotes to crib from we could design a cloud living organism to do this.

Sagan plan was rejected because even extremephiles can only handle places 100 degrees hotter than normal not molten lead temps. But of course we would not be sending them to the surface.

This said I am against teraforming i favor lower energy solutions. Even if the O2 levels were earthlike in would still have a horrible rotation ,no magnetic field and 3 atms at the surface and no drinkable water.

OftenBen  ·  3841 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Hmm. I guess that atmosphere provides some problems.

But still, I imagine if we can make small changes over time we'll eventually have tech enough to compensate for something like the atmosphere, lack of magnetic field etc, to make it worthwhile to live there. Venus has to have some kind of valuable property.

JakobVirgil  ·  3839 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I think you get the tech by working on the tech. I am a skeptic/curmudgeon about the idea hat tech progresses under its own steam towards some predictable end.