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comment by Outset
Outset  ·  3917 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: If you were to create an elementary school curriculum, what would it include?

NOTE: This is for both primary and secondary school education, and is relevant to the British curriculum

I would keep English and Mathematics as they are, perhaps make them a little bit more intensive in terms of learning times tables (back when I was in primary school I learned up to the 12 times table.) I would also introduce concepts such as algebra and trigonometry before Year 7 (secondary school) starts; at around Year 5 or 6.

Other things I'd change are...

- Teach relevant foreign languages spoken in many places across the world such as Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese and Portuguese. The problem with the English school system is that foreign languages aren't really taught until secondary school or the final five years of your mandatory education. Also, you HAVE to learn French starting from Year 7 and have the choice of studying Spanish, German or Italian in addition to French from Year 8 onwards. In other words, FIGS is the only choice you have. Also, from 11 onwards isn't a very good age to be learning a language. It's better to start them off when they're 5 or 6 or even younger if possible.

- Add Computer Science to the curriculum during Primary and Secondary School. In Primary School it would be simple logic-based programs and basic training in either C, Python or Javascript then moderate training in different programming languages and more complex programming concepts in secondary school. This would not only prepare students who choose to do computer science at college and university much better but would also increase Britain's abysmal standard of education when it comes to teaching computing.

- Merge ICT and Business & Communications Systems as GCSE subjects. Basically, when I did an ICT qualification at school before the GCSE subject was introduced, all I really did was learn how to make a website with a piss-poor WYSIWYG editor (Microsoft Frontpage, and no I am not kidding either.) Business & Communications Systems taught me more useful skills which could have also been applied to the ICT curriculum such as how to type meeting minutes, letters, memoranda, and other forms of correspondence on top of how to use various parts of the Microsoft Office suite and what fonts and formatting to or not to use. I would also add PC repair skills into the ICT curriculum such as how to assemble, disassemble and repair PCs, and teach them about the nature of malware, antiviral software, how to do a fresh reinstall of Windows, use other operating systems such as Mac OSX, Linux, Solaris, etc.

- Rename Citizenship to Law and Politics, teach it in primary school and teach it as a GCSE subject. It should be designed to teach children how UK politics works, some basic pointers on British law, how Parliament works, how legal precedent works, how the court system works, how statutes work and what is currently legal and illegal in Britain.

- Add mandatory sex education from Year 7 onwards as part of Law and Politics. Don't just teach children about the human anatomy in Science lessons. Instead, teach them about the realities of underage sex, pregnancy, how to use contraception, the various types of sexually transmitted infections and diseases one can catch and the legalities when it comes to consenting to sex or having sex under the heavy influence of alcohol. I feel with more education on this, we'd see far less teenage pregnancies and teenagers generally being more careful.

- Teach first aid training from Year 9 onwards.

- Add Game Design as a GCSE subject. In this, there would be several parts of the curriculum including learning how to design a board or trading card game as the first part, then learning how to use tools such as CRYdev, Unreal Development Kit, Unity3D, Stencylworks as the second unit and a choice of optional units such as producing game audio, producing 2D and 3D art for use in a game, or how to build a video game from scratch using several choices of programming languages and libraries.

- Change Year 10 Work Experience. Change the law to mandate employer involvement in the scheme, make schools more responsible for helping students prepare for the process which they've never done before and make placements more meaningful than being a mere tea-boy.

mike  ·  3916 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I love the Game Design idea! Absolutely! Think how much math kids learn by designing a game and then creating the pieces and board and rules. So much valuable mathematics in design, plus the feeling of accomplishment of creating something and learning to use digital design tools! Wow!

Sex Ed definitely. Here in Norway there are very few taboos about talking sex with kids. Kids think it's funny that people in other countries find sex embarrassing, and Norway has one of the lowest teen pregnancy rates in the world.

I'd add religion and ethics to the list as well, and study major religions and their impact on various societies.

Outset  ·  3916 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I came from a Catholic school and when I was there, R.E. was pretty much mandatory. They did teach me about Islam, Protestantism and Judaism but pretty much most of what I learned was about Catholicism.