These contradictions appear to be limited to statements, like 'This statement is false', and not facts about entities, like 'The Earth is not flat'. There is something dodgily deceptive and misleading about this article.
Sometimes philosophy is like a scientist that dissects a living thing to determine its source of beauty and what makes it alive, but kills it in the process. Any Buddhist that has managed to unleash his mind, or any human for that matter who has done some tripping with either meditation, peyote, mushrooms, or LSD is well aware that you can't describe "it" without contradicting yourself. "There is like endless variety, but there is only one thing", "every thing is separate and itself, but connected to everything through this separateness." Stuff like that. That's why the Buddhists accept this. Life is a contradiction, a paradox. Direct experience of the flow of life in the now will turn you into a speaker of contradictions. Any assertion that something is the truth is a lie! :)