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comment by Lintel

JFK. Man or myth? And why the sudden change of heart during his presidency, leading up to his death?

-H.D. Thoreau and Ghandi. Survival-advice and tips: also, how does one build their own weaving tools? Could use an even more minimalistic approach. Also: how to non-comply with politeness in a day and age where standing up for your rights gets you arrested and beaten.

- Nicola Tesla. Discussing the possibility for a field-experiment. Want to see if the man was right or not. You discovered wireless electricity? Show me how you do it.

-Atilla. For travel-tips and discussing bowyering and archery techniques as well as horseback-riding with subjects such as "How to Avoid Getting Tossed Around on The Horse?", "Aaaargh! How Do Stop This Thing?" and "Why Horses Should Be Fitted With Brakes". Want to figure out why he thought sluaghtering and pillaging was a good thing to do instead of hiring a campaign-team with a couple of spin-doctors.

teamramonycajal  ·  3922 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Want to figure out why he thought sluaghtering and pillaging was a good thing to do instead of hiring a campaign-team with a couple of spin-doctors.

Complete speculation here, but campaign teams usually operated on the premise of 'If you don't let me have power, I'll pillage, rape, and kill you all'.

This is part of why I would not want to have dinner with Attila, and also why I'm glad that if I'm female I exist NOW and not THEN.