For some reason, I give not a shit about spoilers. I'm known for reading summaries of books, series, and movies before watching them or while in the middle of them. Sometimes I do this because I want to know what will happen and I'm afraid the author is going to take the story somewhere I don't want it to go, and I want to be prepared for that. Sometimes I'm just curious. I guess I don't like surprises. So spoilers away. If you let knowledge of what's going to happen ruin your show-watching experience then I guess you don't like anything else about a show: the actual acting, the dialogue, the scene-setting, the costuming, all of that. On the other hand I guess spoilers prevent you from getting close to characters if they are going to die. But, what? I just get a little less emotionally involved with a book or series in that case. Is that a bad thing?
I'm pretty much the same way. If something gets "spoiled" for me, my mindset changes from "what's going to happen" to "how did it happen", and I still enjoy whatever it is that got spoiled just fine. There are a few exceptions for me. Persona 4 (because it's consumed my life, I'm sorry I keep talking about it) is a murder mystery, for example. Definitely wouldn't want that kind of thing spoiled for me. I like to guess at who might be the killer, and the chase with its twists and turns is a part of the fun for me.