The Science Fiction braintrust advising the Department of Homeland Security. I know three of the people mentioned personally. You certainly know them by name. I can totally see Larry Niven saying that. An essay on flying pre-WWII cropdusters. I sorta wish I still had my subscription to Garden and Gun, but it's stupid expensive. This is some of the most evocative descriptions of flying I've read this side of Tom Wolfe. I have no recollection of posting this. I honestly have no recollection of this existing. Was this on Facebook? I was probably drunk. Nonetheless, Fabio throwing boomerang pizzas and severing the members of Spanish exhibitionists. The data you're giving up, more than a year before Snowden. Still a beautiful video. Still timely. Still unloved. * Older than that, I start getting broken links. This was a good article about Bang & Olufsen but apparently Wired can't be bothered to keep their content intact. Most of the stuff I think is cool tends to get shared a lot. The rest of it... eh.