Holy shit. Meriadoc and eightbitsamurai. Long-story short and unrelated ish to this article, but I got Tinder right? Well Zoe came up in it and I matched with her and have no fucking idea what to say that she hasn't heard a billion times.
ButterflyEffect calls on me to help him flirt with girls.
Edit: I have no idea what to say, but you're not a weirdo gaming-neckbeardcreep so you're already winning, BE. Just be natural, mah man.
Oh shut up. I tagged you and Mer since I don't know who else might care and I'm feeling intimidated which doesn't happen often in these situations.
ALSO: I hope your date went well. Am I allowed to ask how it went?
I think I've mentioned before, I've actually wrote in a group with Zoe before and talked to her. Granted I kinda up and left the group we were writing together in without a word, so that might not be a good conversational starter...and she probably doesn't remember me anyways, haha.
NO, YOU CAN'T ASK. In all seriousness it went well so that's good. I'm not particularly in a "relationship-y" sort of mood as of late (I fucking love myself and no one else right now), but it was nice meeting her and we've hit it off well.
I did not see that, but that's really interesting. Freaking out tonight since A: Person I know is currently on CBS Sports, and B: This happened while that is happening. Those things combined blew my mind.
That's really good to here...or hear (haha...get it? I'll show myself out).
- I fucking love myself and no one else right now
This is righteous and I'm glad you're upfront about that.
That's awesome! You should look up some of the games she's worked on and can talk about gaming in general! I think I remember you being a gamer. She also made Depression Quest that you can probably relate to right now. And invite her to Hubski! That would be awesome to talk to her here and you can hit it off on introducing her to the site.
The Hubski thing is a great idea, sent her a message, we'll have to see if she responds or not.