the Editable Poem link,, seems to pull up a blank page . . . as does the Mead link, the Caribouski link goes to what appears to be a mass emailing - don't we call that spam? I will not be muting/hushing/ignoring you anytime soon, for surely, you bear watching . . .
...................... < O > | < O >
EEEP, for some reason extra zeros got attached to the other two. Check them out BRIEFLY (just to show you that they indeed exist). Hubski Drink Club - Club Mead: What Was Learned? Editable Poem #2: What Did We Learn? The Caribouski mailing was to all the participants... not exactly spam. ZenDog: I found this shrugging emoticon ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ on an otherwise insulting remark that called one of my favourite hubskinners an insulting name. I didn't like the comment, but I liked the emoticon. I also like your EYEBALLS emoticon. There's much art in the keyboard. Meanwhile, I do enjoy bear watching.
I'm not very good at text art - which is really too bad because text art is so cool. I've seen a bear, in person, in the wild. Just once. Scared the shit out'a me. Scared the bear more though - and the reason I know that is true is because the bear ran way way faster than I did. haha!