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comment by logic_machine
logic_machine  ·  4016 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Fuck the entirety of this shitty city and this shitty state.

Here's the thing about the midwest.

All the people seem nice on the outside. On the inside they are the most vile example of demons walking the earth in human form you could ever hope to never encounter.

Every Midwestern person that is not living in a metropolitan area like Chicago or Indianapolis is basically a soulless sack of rotting shit wrapped in a burlap sack painted gold.

Being two faced is the norm for these people. Especially in small towns. They will know your business, and any business of yours they don't know they will fucking make up, and then tell everyone that isn't you.

Mrs. Magillicutty down the street will eventually become comfortable enough in your presence to include you in this little game of thrones, and tell you all about how George her neighbor is an Alcoholic welfare king that can't keep his hands off the girl at the photomat, and Jane Siemore says he might be a pedophile because he never leaves his house.

Meanwhile, two days later she'll be at George's house sipping an iced tea conversing about how she smelled pot in your living room.

Was there pot in your living room? WHO GIVES A FUCK I NEED SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT.

Welcome to the midwest.

b_b  ·  4016 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Woah! Talk about generalizing. I've lived in the Midwest my whole life, and I've traveled a bit around the world (Not to Asia, but extensively in Europe and a little bit of Latin America; not an expert, but enough experience to make a judgment). What I've found is that people are people pretty much everywhere. I live in the ghetto right now, and there's a lot of crime. I don't think it would be fair to say that "Blacks will beat you up, steal your wallet and then shoot you just because they have nothing better to do." I think most reasonable people would be offended by that statement. I would be.