I would like to think that Windows users wouldn't stand for this. Part of why I am on PC rather than a Mac has to do with ease of configuration. My last laptop went Vista>XP>Ubuntu>XP. At the same time, hardware is getting so cheap, the distinction between an device and an OS might not remain strong enough to stop this.
I'm not sure what you mean by 'the distinction between a device and an OS might not remain strong'. Can you say a bit more about that?
Sure. Few expect to change the OS of their iPhone, or even Android phone, or their tablet. I assume it won't be long before few expect the same of their laptop. Instead, I see people buying a new device when they want a new OS. Like cars, I see these technologies becoming more 'hermetically sealed'. Of course, there's good reason why this is bad, but I don't see the general populous motivated by those reservations. Actually, I'm surprised that laptop leasing plans aren't more widespread. You get a new computer, use it for 2 years, take it back, get your data (if there's any left that's not in the cloud) ported over, and you walk out with a new laptop. It will be terrible for privacy, but people will love it.