Completely unrelated to that interview, but did I just manage to share this twice? mk I broke yr site again. I had this open and shared it, clicked to go back to the main feed and it had a dot but wasn't showing as having been shared by me. Figuring it didn't register for whatever reason, I shared it again and now I think I shared this thing twice.
Yeah, that's my bad. I broke a lot while fixing things.
We've been working on a number of bugs. A good number of them came from the new markup implementation. It touched almost every corner of the site. Although the old implementation was janky, the content jived with it. The new implementation is more robust, but edge cases have been popping up here and there. You should be seeing less of the 502 in the coming weeks. However, if you do find a bug that sends you to one. Let us know. You probably aren't the only one that has experienced it.