Last summer, I worked as a camp counselor. It was my first year, and my first session was a two week session, overnight. The kids can be annoying and the pay isn't good, it is a job you do because you love the camp, you love the people you meet, and you love the relationships you make. It was the last night of the first session, and we were doing the nightly cabin wrap up. One of the counselors asks a question, and everyone who wants to answers. The question on this night was something along the lines of "tell two people here things you liked about them, how they were helpful, etc." One of the kids in my cabin was a bit of a pain in the ass. He was a bit helpless and always complained. His answer was one I will never forget. He said "Coming into this session, I was bummed out. My favorite counselor from last year is with a different age group. But I quickly realized that c_hawkthorne is just like the other guy. I don't know who my favorite counselor is now. This session was one of the best sessions I have ever had, and I hope to see you next year." This group of kids numbered around 25, with only 10 counselors, half of them often gone running other activities, the job is stressful and it's often hard to help the kids, make the experience enjoyable, memorable, and make them a better person. Knowing I made a difference in one kids life is amazing and it makes me proud to have done that, and been acknowledged for it. On the other hand, two of the counselors I had growing up made huge differences in my life. They are my role models not just in being a counselor, but life in general. They are both fantastic people who know when to be serious and when to be funny, when to be strict and when to take a more lenient. I am ashamed of myself that I never told them the impact they have had on me. I will definitely try to track them down to tell them how much they mean to me. You never know when you're going to change someone, or when you're going to change you. Make sure you tell them, because you will certainly regret it if you don't.