I disagree with your premise here. Some people will always regard cars as status symbols and others will always regard them as transportation utility maximizers. Besides, if anything we're trending away from the American car fetish (or more likely it's taking a different form). Kids don't generally grow up familiar with cars anymore, they don't build their own, they don't maintain their own ... it's just much rarer. So to some people (an increasing number), one car is much the same as another. Not to say we'll all share cars in futuris; that's an odd conclusion to come to as well. But I think we'll care less and less if our cars drive themselves.Cars were status symbols even in the soviet union.
Just because a person refuses to acknowledge the status accorded a car does not mean it is not a status symbol. I wear jeans and t-shirts. I also recognize that this choice to opt out of fashion is a fashion choice. Further, my choice does little to erode the profit margins of the fashion industry, whose choices trickle down to my available choices of jeans and t-shirts. Even when I opt out of a status-driven industry, my choices remain driven by status. We're driving less. This is what Facebook has blessed us with. Those who need to drive shall continue to drive. The problem with a "1-car 11-people" future is that they're all likely to need to drive about the same time, and they're all likely to need to drive along a predictable route. It makes a lot more sense to put them on a bus. If you don't want or need a car, you don't want or need a driverless, "mutual" car. You need a way to get from Point A to Point B. Guaranteed- a bus is going to be cheaper. We will not care less and less if The City takes 35 minutes to dispatch a Prius to our driveway when it said it would take 10. We just missed our dentist's appointment. Had we taken the bus, we'd be there.I disagree with your premise here. Some people will always regard cars as status symbols and others will always regard them as transportation utility maximizers.
Besides, if anything we're trending away from the American car fetish (or more likely it's taking a different form).
But I think we'll care less and less if our cars drive themselves.
I'm not talking a bus system, or some kind of delivery system, or any of the things you mention. I use the bus every day. I also own a car, not by choice, and I wouldn't if it hadn't been somewhat forced on me. In urban settings cars are the poorest transportation option. I rank subways first, then bikes, then buses. Cars a distant fourth. What I meant is something different, though. My point is that less people care about cars in a memento sense than ever, which will ease in the rise of the self-driving car (if it happens at all). That's all I meant.