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comment by mike
mike  ·  4005 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why should an honest person care about NSA surveillance?

Brilliant, thank you guys. You are a piece in what I hope will be a huge wave of reform.

We go to war and lives are lost to protect freedom. Most people will agree it is acceptable for people to die to protect freedom. Is it worth sacrificing lives to have the freedom to live without someone watching you, recording you, and judging you on things you do that you think are private? If so, then we need to throw out mass surveillance and accept that we may lose lives to terrorist attacks. It is worth it.

Think of what else we could use that $52 billion and 107,000 employees for... something good I bet. (http://therionorteline.com/2013/08/29/nsa-107000-employees-5...)