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comment by wasoxygen

Also, the bit about pronunciation of company names came from Thinking, Fast and Slow:

    Companies with pronounceable names do better than others for the first week after the stock is issued, though the effect disappears over time. Stocks with pronounceable trading symbols (like KAR or LUNMOO) outperform those with tongue-twisting tickers like PXG or RDO — and they appear to retain a small advantage over some time. A study conducted in Switzerland found that investors believe that stocks with fluent names like Emmi, Swissfirst, and Comet will earn higher returns than those with clunky labels like Geberit and Ypsomed.

smoorman1024  ·  3894 days ago  ·  link  ·  

This is sweet. What do you do for a living? Are you involved with statistics or computers?

wasoxygen  ·  3893 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I work in software development, but regret that I use very little math on the job.

There is a current fad in the "agile" style of project management for using Fibonnaci numbers to estimate level of effort. It is all I can do to ignore the incorrect series "0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 ..." scrawled on the whiteboard.