Well-written and a thesis I kinda agree with (i.e the title), but it must be remembered that he's throwing anecdotal heartstring-tugging evidence at us in spades. I remain open to the opinion that for every crack addict who's turned to god because she has no one else, there's a single mother of five who turned away from god because her lot in life was Job's.
Really? I actually feel like this is one of those pieces that I feel dumber for having read. Does it really take quitting a high paying job and spending a couple years around addicts to find out what all civilized people should know from the get go? Namely, that different people have different thoughts, feelings and beliefs about a whole range of topics, faith included (perhaps faith in particular). Are there not rich, educated men of strong faith? Are there not poor, destitute people who have no god?Well-written and a thesis I kinda agree with (i.e the title)...