Seen or read or both? Read them all. The phrases are exquisite. Last summer I saw a performance of Othello front row at the British National -- I've never seen anything so good. I would think, if you can find a quality troupe, that watching Othello is probably the closest you'll get to perfect theater. Interesting that everyone below mentions movies ... I disagree. There's never been a Shakespearean movie that compared to watching it live in my opinion.
The ones I mentioned I have both seen and read. I have also read Othello and The Tempest and parts of several others (generally soliloquies). I really get the sense that the audience is supposed to be very present for these plays, which makes sense as that was the norm for the time.Interesting that everyone below mentions movies ... I disagree. There's never been a Shakespearean movie that compared to watching it live in my opinion.