I like funny poems and I like writing funny poems. I remember during undergrad, we were discussing humor in poems and how in American poetry the professor (who writes funny poems) opined that it seemed like there was less tolerance of humor by critics than their British counterparts critiquing British poetry. I don't know if it's true, but from what I've seen, it does seem like most people expect that poetry should be at least serious, if not Serious. If the poetry is to be funny, then it should be for children, something like the work of Shel Silverstein, Dr. Seuss or Edward Gorey. Why can't a poem like Jennifer L. Knox's excellent Hot Ass Poem from A Gringo Like Me be taken seriously as art? Is the ridiculous not worthy of exploration? Anyway, most of my favorite poets and poems make me laugh, or laugh and feel like crying into a beer. Poems are like drugs: trying out new ones would be no fun if they all buzz the same. Hell, there are a whole lot of different species of bees.
Something unrelated I just was thinking about: the page you go to when, from your feed, you hit the little gold badge next to a comment bubble that takes you straight to the badged comment on a post -- it's kinda ugly. Additionally, it tells you twice who made the comment but not at all who badged it. Not a big deal but does anyone agree? EDIT: weirdly, it just reformatted itself while I was typing that so it's less ugly now but it still doesn't tell you who badged it and it's still redundant so my question stands.