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comment by lormak
lormak  ·  3795 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Evolution of Suicide

Very interesting topic. If I may take purely bioligical approach.The language we use around suicide confusee the evolutionary perspective. If we just view ourselves as cellular beings which is what we what we are, 20 trillion or so cells. Then its easier to understand suicide. To preserve low food, the safety of the group and to prevent less than optimal contribution to future generations which could wipe out a line of genes then the cells activate apoptosis on a massive scale. . Apoptosis is cell death. bat

b_b  ·  3795 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Yeah, but apoptosis is a very specific method of cell death that is mainly used for preservation of the organism, as well as for shaping during ontogeny. I think it's a stretch to draw any parallels between a self destructive, conscious act, and a healthy, natural, unconscious process.