You could hardly do worse than a Zingerman's Deli Corn Beef in Michigan. But does MI have a pedigree for corn beef sandwiches? I would have though NY, but they've got the lox bagel locked down, so I guess that's why we get it. But to be picky for a second, if Ohio gets a kielbasa sandwich, then Michigan's should just be the coney dog. That is 100% unique to the state. Also AZ gets to bend the rules with a taco of sorts. I'm calling it. MI's best sandwich is the coney dog. This chart is wrong.
Zingerman's Corn beef has to be better than the peanut butter, banana, and bacon sandwich Tennessee is known for. Supposedly a favorite of Elvis. Still, I expect I'd have to be in a very specific state of mind to find that appetizing. Kind of like fried chicken and waffles. Amazing to eat, but a body just isn't made to ingest that stuff too often. On second thought, I imagine that the Zingerman's sandwich isn't necessarily on an Olympic training diet either.