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comment by humanodon

I find this fascinating, as it's something I never thought of before. I do remember finding the "flesh" colored crayon in my box of Crayola and after ascertaining what "flesh" meant, wondering why it didn't look like my flesh.

In general I find jobs or roles that involve color selection to accentuate things to be very interesting as the field of color is something so intrinsic to how we experience and perceive the world around us and yet we take it for granted.

My dad is a resource economics professor and when I was a kid, I really had no idea what he did. I'd go to work with him sometimes and wonder how those charts of curved lines could predict the future. I remember one study he mentioned or was a part of where people were trying to boost milk sales and so were experimenting with different colors of milk in an effort to appeal to kids. Apparently, kids really like the colors blue, green and red, but absolutely do not want to drink milk that color. Pink is ok. Yellow, also acceptable, but not orange.

It seems so silly and unimportant, but so much research goes into the colors of our every day lives. In a completely constructed universe as in a film, color is even more important. Cool stuff.