This post must have been really confusing for you, then. I can see you going, isn't this that You're Beautiful guy. People want to discuss the You're Beautiful guy's albums? Don't judge them flagamuffin, remember, music taste is subjective, don't judge them. Wait a second, this guy looks nothing like the You're Beautiful guy. Oooooh. edit: It's funny you mention Radiohead. Now that you say it, this album in particular sounds a lot like a sparser version of Kid A. I never saw it that way. Well, I guess it's time I put Kid A into rotation again.
That is literally exactly where I was going. Like, "man I fucking hate James Blunt, but I guess I'll share this because weeklydj is cool -- wait, Blunt? Blunt? Huh. Fuck." It's Kid A with someone singing over it who isn't Frank Ocean -- that was wrong -- but maybe actually Thom Yorke from his In Rainbows days, plus a lot more piano.
I thought you were taking the piss because the host for the Mercury prize literally introduced him as James Blunt.
I wasn't surprised she did that after seeing her on 10 O Clock Live.
I'm not I ... since however long it's been since his first album I've been subconsciously avoiding his music because I thought he was James Blunt. I don't like a) listening to James Blunt or b) thinking about James Blunt so it was a comprehensive process until a few hours ago.