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comment by coffeesp00ns
coffeesp00ns  ·  4031 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What kind of instrument do you play, and why?

I'm a classical bassist. It's what I go to school for, actually (M.Mus in Performance). I kind of fell into it, frankly. I was an electric bass player in a rock band, and after high school I had no idea what I wanted to do with myself. I went back to high school for a semester, got some more university level credits, then was working a bunch of hours at a food joint when the drummer in my band announced she was going to go to the local college for classical guitar (kind of a University prep program, takes a lot of people on potential). following exchange occurred.

me: Do they have bass?

her: probably double bass. it's a classical program.

me: you know what, sign me up, I'll figure it out.

I proceeded to apply on the last possible day, rent a bass from my old high school (i was in great standing with the music teacher there), and get a violinist show me how to hold a bow. I showed up to the "audition" a month later, hacked out a version of "In the Hall of the Mountain King", and waited to talk to the professor.

He came into the room where another guy and myself were waiting and said "well, you two showed up, so you're in." Not exactly what one expects from a classical program, but as I said, they take people on potential, and it's a "university prep" program. I spent three years there whipping my ass up to University level, then got into the second year at a university. I finished that last year and got accepted to where I am now on a full scholarship. sweet shit.

So that's why I play the bass. I fell into it, then fell in love.