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comment by zonk
zonk  ·  3991 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What kind of instrument do you play, and why?

Finally done with my studies and as I have some more time now I'm thinking about taking some piano lessons. I really like that, no matter if simple or not, it almost always sounds beautiful. You can play super easy stuff, and it still sounds good, and you can learn and learn until you can play masterpieces like Chopin etc.. I feel for every skill range, you can play beautiful pieces, which may motivate me a lot. Also you can play almost everything on a piano, whereas some songs have boring notes for the guitar or whatever.

Anyone of you has experience with picking up an instrument in his/her mid 20s? I never was really good at music or anything like that, I only hope that my eye-hand-coordination from playing lots of computer may help ;D If it makes a difference, I was thinking about going to a music teacher.