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comment by thenewgreen
thenewgreen  ·  4189 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Conservatives Eat Their Own for Profit

If you go to FOX for your "news" you are going to get the impression that liberals want to take your guns, your liberty and piss on the constitution. When you go to MSNBC for your "news" you are going to get the impression that the conservatives are racists that would rather see you bleed to death than allocate tax dollars towards healthcare etc.

The truth is, when you sit down and have a civilized conversation with an intelligent conservative or liberal you tend to find that you have far more in common politically than you would think. Our differences are isolated, packaged and marketed to us via a media establishment the likes of which humanity has never seen. They're all pervasive, they're hugely influential and they have lots of money and vessels by which to influence us.

Humans need to "belong". This is what drives fans of sports teams, country club memberships, tribalism, nationalism, religious affiliation and yes... political party affiliation. Saying "I'm a democrat" or "I'm a republican" add's to ones identity. They "belong" to a group and will fight hard for that which this group mandates they should believe in.

Republicans didn't bat an eye when GWB spent money like it was going out of style and now we see Democrats shrugging off the fact that their boy "O" hasn't closed Guantanamo and uses drones to fight covert CIA wars. -but he won the nobel peace prize.. so it's cool.

They're just labels "R" and "D" and there's really not that huge of a difference when they're actually in office. This is why I am increasingly convinced that I will vote for capability before party. In this sense, I regret not voting for Romney.

I digress. My point is, if you don't want to hear/read vitriolic crap in politics, consider where you are viewing and listening. I get most of my politics here on Hubski and I've not come across much of this.