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longstocking  ·  3424 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: "Jokes are complicated, context is hard. Rage is easy."

Intent doesn't really... matter, is my point. You are still furthering the idea that hey, its ok to make fun of these people, which can fuel others' bigorty inadvertently, and that's not okay. I don't care how well you mean.

I'm not saying you're a racist bigot or sexist or whatever for making a rude joke. You're not really helping, either, however, and the onus is not on me to be able to discern between your ignorance and malice so your feelings don't get hurt. To put that above the well-being and lives of legitimately oppressed groups is the worrying part. I don't care how mean those darn SJW types are.

e. but yeah i'll take a chill pill and peace right out like i had been. no idea why i decided to post again, no one likes what i got to say

longstocking  ·  3425 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: "Jokes are complicated, context is hard. Rage is easy."

    But if everyone piled on me, called me an awful person, got me fired, and generally tried to hurt me in whatever legal way they could, I don't know that I'd have learned anything. I'd be out of a job and miserable - who would I blame, myself, or them?
You. See the thing is this doesn't actually happen. You know what does happen, though, is that people in minority groups like this are assaulted and harassed constantly every day because someone thinks these jokes are funny but totally aren't racist/sexist guys, tells their friends (some of which might not actually have such "pure" intentions), makes the idea of othering and mockery on arbitrary criteria acceptable for the sake of a cheap laugh.

There is no such thing as "just trying to be funny", and it is not our job to coddle you while you figure that out. Give me a fucking break with that pity party nonsense. We're being murdered daily and you're worried about shit like this.

longstocking  ·  3469 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Discussion: Why do you stay in the US?


longstocking  ·  3474 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: CEO of Apple Coming Out: Does it Matter?

Ultimately it comes down to this: Tim Cook has money in the bank, right now, billions and billions of dollars that, even if he WERE to face the heaviest repercussion anyone can face for being openly gay in the workforce in 29 states of the US (termination), is just sitting there. Apple doesn't own it - it's all his payroll. He's literally set for life, and probably has been for a majority of his tenure as CEO.

I do not have this luxury. I don't have a bank account (due in part to the large amount of debt I already owe staring me in the face), and I live paycheck to paltry paycheck, indefinitely.

When framed this way, I think one would be very, very hard pressed to tell me Tim Cook coming out at work and me coming out at work is at all even remotely the same damn thing with similar or, lord, more things at stake for him!

longstocking  ·  3474 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Apple CEO, Tim Cook, Only CEO of Fortune 500 Company to be Out

This whole point is ludicrous. He is not "the common man" whatsoever and never will be, yeah he's a human being but he's a rich and powerful human being and that's a lot different than some kid who's homeless because he came out to his parents, sorry. That kid will never be Tim Cook, and Tim Cook will never be that kid.

edit: Man the more I think about it the amount of apologia for who is essentially the do-no-wrong idol of every tech person on the planet over like, actual struggling queer youth is really concerning to me. I'm just getting far too angry so I'm going to step away for a while.

longstocking  ·  3474 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Apple CEO, Tim Cook, Only CEO of Fortune 500 Company to be Out

Not at all. Let's not forget how many privileges economic class and power allows us in this world regarding even being a part of a minority group.

longstocking  ·  3474 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Apple CEO, Tim Cook, Only CEO of Fortune 500 Company to be Out  ·  

I'm conflicted. Yeah its always a good thing to have powerful people on your side, and to relate to. But at the same time, it is undeniable what this position of power affords him regarding a sort of diplomatic immunity. What exactly is going to happen to Tim Cook, CEO of arguably the most popular manufacturer of consumer electronics in the world, for coming out as gay? Compared with the meek twenty-something kid working as an intern/junior for a startup in their local hub, you can hardly call the situation the same or even similar. Like, of god-damn course the celebrities and rich-personalities of the world are able to come out safely. They have safety nets so huge they might as well not even bother with the tightrope act. How are the downtrodden queer folx aka the real people of the world supposed to relate to some rich guy who could probably buy his way out of any scrutiny anyway? It certainly doesn't make me any more relieved or willing to be open about myself. I can't afford to take that risk.

longstocking  ·  3530 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Spider-Woman's Big Ass is a Big Deal! - YouTube

Look, I'm all for writing characters that express their sexuality in healthy and human ways. Spiderwoman being essentially a sexy pinup on a cover which is approximately 30% ass is not that. It doesn't tell us anything about her character, it is not respectful or meaningful in any way. It's just an ass. And I'm the one who is in the wrong "demonizing sexuality" because I don't want to see that? Give me a break.

longstocking  ·  3533 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Young Scientists Say They're Sexually Abused In The Field

I guess I am unsure what else you would need to tell you how bad it is. The other side certainly isn't going to condemn themselves by saying anything about what they do. If you ask them, nothing happens at all! This being the case, how do you get more in-depth analyses than surveying the only participating parties, both of which may be "inaccurate"?

longstocking  ·  3533 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Young Scientists Say They're Sexually Abused In The Field

How do you objectively quantify something like sexual assault and harassment statistics? I see this sentiment a lot and it's so baffling to me. Everything's got to be a hard data point to be legitimate, they say, but I think we should be more willing to accept what people say about their experiences instead of going on and on about how everything is conjecture until we get the facts. These are the facts. You're not gonna get any better data about this than people telling you it happens.

longstocking  ·  3535 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: I'm in Seattle please save me [edit: fukken saved]

take me with you

longstocking  ·  3547 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: August 20, 2014

I am right there with you. There has been a lot of unfortunate events the last couple of weeks and the general air of everything just seems foreboding. Not a happy time.

longstocking  ·  3549 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: I want to brag a little bit - Hubski brag party

I am finally able to pay for hormones.

longstocking  ·  3561 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: "That's Retarded." Words and Offense.

He's digging himself so far he'll reach China by tomorrow.

The old saying goes "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" - except that words inform our actions. No, the literal word does not hurt you as every pedantic pseudo-intellectual will tell you as they posit why they should be allowed to say faggot without consequences because South Park said its ok now. You say something is "gay" in a pejorative way around someone who, somewhere in the recesses of his mind, thinks gay people are the scum of the earth and now you've just made that idea a little more acceptable to him. The same goes for every other word with negative connotations.

longstocking  ·  3561 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What is the least fancy, clearest, most readable font in your opinion?

I used Sylfaen in a game I made in the aesthetic of a story book and it's a great look. I second that one!

longstocking  ·  3561 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What is a Woman?

I want to read this but I have made it a personal policy to avoid anything that even so much as mentions radical feminism, especially trans-exclusionary, for my own sake. I don't have the mental fortitude to deal with that. I think a lot of other trans women feel similarly. Sorry if this isn't useful commentary.

longstocking  ·  3562 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Sick of this market-driven world? You should be.

As always, don't read the comments.

longstocking  ·  3564 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Eighty-Second Weekly "Share Some Music You've Been Into Lately" Thread

Persona 3 has the best final boss music of any video game I've ever played. It is also one of the longest fights in the game, which means you get to take it all in... very fitting!

The arcana is the means by which all is revealed.

longstocking  ·  3564 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Eighty-Second Weekly "Share Some Music You've Been Into Lately" Thread

I listened to this group a lot in high school, right after SoaD broke up and Serj started doing his own thing. Apparently, Daron and John went off to do their own thing as well around the same time. They went radio silent after their first album, and as far as I know have no plans to do anything else. Kind of a pity it never took off since I think this stuff sounds a lot more like their old System songs, albeit the lyrics are definitely not as strong without Serj. I think the actual music is great though, and it's hard for me to pick only a few favorites...

longstocking  ·  3564 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Ancient Skulls Show Civilization Rose As Testosterone Fell

Misandry is real.

longstocking  ·  3565 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Zoo Animals and Their Discontents

I liked this one best:

    “Sometimes a scientist will ask me, ‘What are your data points?’ ” he said. “But if we accept that animals are self-aware beings and have emotions, they are no longer data points. No amount of data points will explain identity.”

Kind of ironic how something so basic is often lost to people in the sciences.

longstocking  ·  3566 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What do you miss, Hubski?

That is good to know, thank you for sharing. I've been meaning to make some dietary changes anyway. I'll research what I can do to encourage a more healthy growth. Mine has always been very unmanageable and frizzy, much to my chagrin.

longstocking  ·  3566 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What do you miss, Hubski?

This is going to sound really shallow in comparison to everyone else, but I miss my long hair so much. I made a destructive decision in a depressive fit a couple weeks ago, deciding to chop it all off and give myself a male cut. My excuse is that it would help my chances with the job hunt, but I know that's just a lie to make me feel better about it. The last time this happened I always wore hats and beanies and didn't stop until it grew back.

Here is a picture from a year ago. It's hard to look at sometimes, but I think it's the best picture of me that currently exists, haha.

I know it will grow back. I've got a lot to work on in the meantime, and I definitely have the time for it now. I'll look even better by then.

longstocking  ·  3566 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What song makes you smile every time you hear it?

This game makes me giggle. OK Mister Sunshine!

longstocking  ·  3567 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Harry Potter fans are less likely to be bigots, or some bullshit

I very much disagree with "Fuck love". That sounds like such an angst-ridden thing to say. Despite whatever potential there may have been for "deeper narrative", it is so much more important a message - especially to kids - than you are giving it credit for. Dumbledore's role as a power figure is outside the norm in that its absolutely not a power thing. The dude is goofy and charming and if he weren't built up as the most powerful wizard at Hogwarts you would probably never guess it based on how he presents himself. It is important, so, so important, to sell the qualities of caring and love as the most positive in role models and in student-mentor relationships. I cannot stress that enough.

longstocking  ·  3567 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What song makes you weep every time you hear it?

When I get the money, I'll go for it. Another inspiration of mine is Metric. Emily Haines has a great voice and she is also the keyboardist of the band. If I could play lead and sing... dang that would be a great feeling.


EDIT: talking about this made me realize I still have a Les Paul Jr. from when I bought Rocksmith in my car trunk. Hell yeah!!

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