Great post lil, it hit home for me. My closest friend from childhood is diagnosed manic-depressive. Up until he was about 22 years old he seemed fine. Then he started changing slightly. He had suffered some losses, a girl that he had fell madly in love with was raped and subsequently died from internal complications that went undiagnosed after the rape. He was, understandably, a mess. He never really recovered from that. He used to be a guy that was a lot of fun to be around (a ton of fun), and well balanced. Now he is either Mr. Party -go, go, go or he is so depressed he will not leave his home. I got him a job when we were about 25 as a restaurant manager at a nice place. He was let go. I got him another job as a sales representative for a large food distribution company. -He was let go. Eventually, you realize that it's not worth recommending him anymore. He knows he has a mental illness and that he needs treatment, but it's a vicious cycle. He goes to therapy, but then once he feels better he stops going and eventually stops taking his meds and starts drinking and doing coke etc. I came home to MI last year and he looked like he weighed 100lb's and he was talking a mile a minute. Then I'll come back 6 months later and all was well. He will be paranoid delusional one visit and completely the old "him" the next. It's rough. His mother will call me when he's really bad and ask for my help. One time I was at my brothers wedding in Mexico and spent considerable time on the phone with her because she was so concerned about his mental state. She is who I really feel for throughout this whole thing. He's a great guy and I love him, but it's not the easiest friendship. I never know what I'm going to get. But when I get my old friend, it's great. You've inspired me, I'm going to give him a call. Good luck with Chip, there is only so much you can do.