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Devac  ·  798 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: February 16, 2022

    Bestie has been "about to get a guitar and learn how to play it" for like two fucking years, now.

This seldom changes, especially if it's the same bestie who derails writing sessions into GTA. And, I get it, deciding between delayed pleasure vs having some mindless fun out with a friend isn't exactly a puzzler.

If I may offer some unsolicited advice, the important thing is to get something rolling. Overcoming stagnation is not just about gaining momentum, it's exploiting inertia and realising that, once going, you're harder to stop. Do one thing, whatever it'd be, and keep charging. You might even get others rolling along.

(We can even patent it as kinetic induction and branch KNsys out into human management. Just sayin'.)