Your Vox article was a part of the scare a few years ago, and led the geophysicists to revamp their analyses and give updates on the Yellowstone situation. The key problem with Yellowstone is that there have been three big events, and the average of three data points is meaningless, plus volcanoes don't work that way and fail to erupt on schedule. They erupt when the magma chamber gets over 50% liquid, and Yellowstone's is only about 5-15% currently, as it slowly moves across the historically cooler and less active geography of the midwest. So there's no reason to think it may erupt... and even if it did, an eruption would be a lava flow, not a huge volcanic event like we usually associate with volcanoes. The journal of the American Geophysical Society (EOS) has an excellent article for the lay-person here, which lays it all out with the latest science: And the USGS - while being less eloquent - agrees: