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b_b  ·  1322 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: September 9, 2020

    I just got my Uphold account activity. Someone donated 0.2 ETH to Hubski on 8/20. To Whom it May Concern, thank you. We also get about $10/mo worth of BAT from people using Brave and/or tipping. That makes a difference. https://hubski.com/donate

wasoxygen and I placed a wager in late 2016 about how long Trump would serve in office for. Our bet was (still is) $1 per week, with me owing $1 for every week for Trump remains and him owing $1 for every week of his term that Trump is out of office. The proceeds go entirely to Hubski. My thinking at the time was that he would resign or be impeached with a year, tops. Now I think the only way he doesn't finish is if he loses the election and gets Pence to pardon him after he resigns in the transition period. Unlikely, so look for a $208 donation from me on Jan 20.