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ilex · 1738 days ago · link · · parent · post: It's the International Trans Day of Visibility. I'm Trans. Ask Me Questions?
So I didn't mean to be confusing — I mostly changed names because the juxtaposition of "me two years before" and "me at the time" felt jarring and also I had a great idea for a new handle! I'm still lm elsewhere, but I can see how the change here would come across as something a bit more serious. "lm is a girl now" is more or less how I feel about it. Also, sorry for disappearing for a while. I really did miss y'all but hot damn I felt like a mess for most of it. Now that I have the benefit of hindsight and being able to rearrange thoughts and feelings and memories into coherent shapes it's easier to talk about, but you know that none of that shit happens in a nice linear fashion or makes one lick of sense at the time.