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Would you like to know why the skeptics are losing, dear Ben? 'cuz I can tell ya. I had to fix this asshole's computer. Friend of mine was this asshole's receptionist. And I get to hear horror stories about Doterra every day.



I'm pretty goddamn close to the metal on this one. My clinic has lost patients because we participate in the Vaccines for Children program. You can sit there snarking about crazy pills but my livelihood has been attacked by both sides of this fucking catastrophe we call awareness these days because we dare to strike a moderate position.

You know what essential oils don't do? Cure fucking cancer. You know what else they don't do? NOT cure fucking cancer. You know what people with cancer will do in order to not die of cancer?


So riddle me this: which is better for the patient, a cancer clinic that does chemo, radiation and chemo with radiation while scornfully forbidding the patient from doing anything but chemo and radiation... or a cancer clinic that will supervise all the woo that's fit to print? 'cuz you know what? Not only is the placebo effect real, it's increasing. So if you trust your doctor, whiffing peppermint oil as part of his Rx will actually help you beat cancer better than going off the rez and buying doterra peppermint oil, both of which may actually help you beat cancer better than no peppermint oil at all.

I think we can both agree that homeopathic remedies are abject bullshit. No scientific basis whatsoever. Any explanations of causality quickly go to Cybertron by way of Castle Grayskull. But you know what? Fuckin' anti-anxiety homeopathics raise my heart rate and make me sweat. And my super-annoying sister-in-law who had herself so twisted up inside she was about to have her gall bladder removed? Can't even remember being that sick after one stupid little tube of sugar pills under her tongue. Anecdata of two with zero reproduceability but this is the kind of shit the doterra reps live and breathe and five years ago, Doterra did $1.2 billion in revenue so fuckin' hell, man, if they want to pay their way into supervision I am there for it.

'member how batshit everyone went when Steve Jobs delayed chemo for a couple months to woo it out? The "skeptics" were all about how alternative medicine had killed Steve Jobs, torch'n'pitchfork torch'n'pitchfork torch'n'pitchfork. Now s'pose Steve Jobs could have done his woo at the cancer clinic. 'cuz that's what we're talkin' 'bout here. Complementary therapy. Bring the batshit indoors where we can keep an eye on it and if it makes you feel better we'll roll our eyes and say "fine" in the most condescending way possible but at least we can ensure that you're getting actual medicine.

But the "skeptics?" HATE that shit. Chemo, Radiation, The End.

Fundamentally? Y'all are dogma fetishists. Like catholics, but somehow more self-righteous. At least the anti-vax nutters throw parties.