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Quatrarius  ·  2111 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Breaking: entertainment industry promotes unhealthy views of minority group

i started writing a serious reply, but i deleted it, so then i started with an angry reply, but i deleted it, so then i started with a snarky reply, but i deleted it

as a trans person, the circles i wander around in online are the accepting ones generally, and the thing about acceptance is that it's difficult to draw lines around it sometimes - an easier example of this is with a different community of weirdoes, furries

furries are weird. most of them admit that. the thing about admitting your own weirdness is that it looks kind of hypocritical to start excluding other people for being too weird, which is why any community of furries is guaranteed to develop pockets of inflation and shit fetishists, no matter where you go

a similar thing can happen when you get to the edges of gender and sex circles: i think i remember you or somebody else on here talking about "pansexuals" or "asexuals" or something (galen)? and how it was silly, but it gets even sillier than those not-silly concepts, i swear - there's people that think they're multiple people in one body (not skitsy people?), or people that think they're reincarnations of past people, or people that map out every specific aspect of their sexual and romantic orientations with like 10 different terms

and i think it's silly too. i have different opinions about the legitimacy / necessary-ness of it all, but generally i just go "okay" and move on with my life because it doesn't particularly affect me

and generally, going "okay" and moving on is essentially all i can do as a single person - i can't control the situation i was born into - all the social isolation and the stunted emotional development and undiagnosed mental illnesses and semi-literally having the wrong body, and things like that, and i think i can go out on a limb here and say you understand this feeling of deep frustration about everything being shit really well

i don't claim to have a worse experience to the point that "nobody understands me, man!" because i understand that you can't compare people's lives like that, problems like that - it would be incredibly, incredibly presumptuous of me to make that judgement and comparison

it does really suck. it sucks a lot. i know that from the outside, it probably seems like a bunch of fuss, or just something overcomplicated - that's what i meant by "burden of acceptance", behind the snark, because it's something that throws up more shit for people to have to deal with, like in your experiences with various stuff as a movie guy / with random educators, and i can see how it might seem ridiculous from the outside because i can see, because of pockets of edge cases within the GSM community, how ridiculous it can look from the inside.

i got kind of pissed earlier at the phrase "sit there judging everyone", but i don't deny that that's what i'm doing - the alternative of rolling over and accepting another frustration is, in some cases, not something i feel like doing

i kind of spent a while writing this, so i forgot whether i actually had a point

i like using GSM (for gender and sexual minorities) because it seems like nobody could have a problem with it, and the letter-adding politics of LGBT-etc (aka legbutts) is something to be avoided given that it's one of the things that every two-bit culture warrior brings up to talk about how shit we are - i have no problems with anybody using any kind of acronym or whatever because i'm not an asshole, and like i said, water off the back or whatever bullshit i actually did say

i guess if i do have a point, it's that yes, i am judging you, but i'm not judging you specifically and nothing is your fault - you're just unhappy because some people make you into an enemy and put words in your mouth because of something you have no control over

which is exactly the problem on my end in the first place, so why would i want to do that the other way around?

a lot of the things in the world are pretty shit and it's frustrating when the shit flies up and gets in your eyes, and your hair, especially if you have long hair