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There's some interesting discussion going on right now about what it means to be a responsible mountaineer. If you are partaking in these kind of expeditions (for any of the eight-thounsanders), is it reckless to do so without having rescue money set aside? Contingency planning involves beacons, satellite communication devices, and gear, but not evacuation funding as a last-ditch resort.

In this case I would hope (to kleinbl00's point about the Nepalese army) that it is common knowledge for those attempting routes in Pakistan that funding is a requirement before a helicopter will be scrambled. It's a reasonable response from the private company operating the helicopter, it is a dangerous enough thing to send one into these areas with how fast the weather and winds can change.

I'm fine with it, ultimately. $50,000, $100,000, a handful of times of year in rescue attempts pales in financial comparison to many, many other things. Crowdfunded or not. You and I agree that this is the pursuit and reflection of the human spirit that keeps these things going. Hopefully not in a conquest against nature, but in an exploration of what it has to offer. Caves shouldn't be closed, nor should mountain, nor should our national parks.