Well sure... I mean, that's the point of us detailing our horror stories. The problem is that the existing system "works" (for a certain definition of "works") and there are other problems to solve.
The inspector forcing cgod to build his trash shrine is never going to be reprimanded for his moronic idea, because he doesn't report to anyone, and - after all - nobody has died / been maimed / or been given cancer by cgod's trash area.
So the inspector did his job well.
How do YOU know that all those things weren't absolutely necessary to keep the public safe? After all, YOU aren't an inspector! What do YOU know, little man?!?
sarcasm, of course
But you get the point...
Politicians are graded on the amount of legislation they introduce. If a commissioner, legislator, or senator doesn't introduce any new legislation, then they aren't doing their job, right?
So they create endless pages of pointless shit regulation that doesn't affect anybody ... except your local coffee shop owner, who - instead of opening her shop for $60k, wound up paying $150k, with all the bullshit the inspector made up to whine about - and now it is two years later, and the big loan payments are coming due, and Starbucks opened up with a drive-thru two blocks away, and her business has tanked, and some punk broke the $3500 front window, but she can't afford to make a claim against her insurance because they'd raise her rates, and she had to start working the evening shift, because she lost another barista to night school and she can't take the time to interview/hire/train someone new, because the glass guy is going to be here tomorrow to fix the window, but she has to stay late for the contractor to come and build some sort of wood over the broken window, so people don't loot the place at night, and...
And NONE of this is made up. This is my friend's coffee shop.
I guess people just need to walk into privately run, mom and pop shops, and stop... take a look around ... and appreciate just what it takes to make ANY of this shit happen.
"But OMG, it's, like, $1.50 more than Starbucks! Total fucking ripoff..."