I've seen a lot of .gif's of sports anime and haven't gotten into the genre yet. Though, I do know they can be wicked intense and phenomenally animated to make the action more interesting than real life - the point of most all action anime... cough. Anyways, thanks for this, would you have a couple others to recommend by any sort? Gotta gain a healthy repetoire. :D In another strain of genre's and series I have yet to finish, Your Lie In April is an amazing music-centric anime. It's more so geared at the classical crowd which is why I was more able to pick up on Devac's piece's as a refresher, hehe. Still phenomenal. Highly recommended. Possible Cumol? It's definitely a different sort, and you're probably tired from the suggestions or just getting a bigger list of anime's to watch. :P Man I veered off-topic here.