I'm on vacation in California, and three days before we're set to fly back, my wisdom tooth starts impacting. It's bloody awful. And I can't get anything done to it before I fly back home (for various reasons, half of which I understood). I've only got low-dosage drugs in me because the Urgent Care in Oakland we went to doesn't like to prescribe pain meds because, "you're in Oakland," says the NP, "and we can't give you what you're looking for." It was the weirdest code. I wanted to say, I'm not looking to get high, just to alleviate this eye-watering pain but all that came out was a whimper because this wisdom tooth is laying me low. I should have got all my wisdom teeth removed. Goddamn this sucks. And now a red-eye flight back to the East Coast. On the plus-side: my stockpile of badges is completely out because you guys have been on a roll with the good, long reads. Thanks flagamuffin and bfv.