The sad thing though, is that none of their weapons actually work. They demonstrate their "ICBMs" launching to impress their own people... and then the inert thing falls into the sea as soon as it is out of eyesight. Their submarines are 1950's designs that can easily be tracked with high school electronics capabilities. It's all smoke and mirrors and posturing. But, I'm afraid once you get enough inbred generations down the line, one of these Fearless Leaders is gonna believe their own hype, and invade South Korea.... and they are ALL going to be slaughtered six feet away from the fence, because they are just not an actual force, by any measure. And now these idiot children have some sort of nukes that may or may not work on top of rockets that have a 70% failure rate (or something ridiculous like that), and it's just not going to go well for them. And so the North Korean regime and state fails. Then what?!? We now have an entire country worth of poorly educated adults, with the cognitive abilities of 9-year olds, and enormous national pride... which will be crushed the day they see an iPhone. What the hell does the world do with 25 million useless people?!? Train every one of them to become basic factory workers? Ok, yeah, I'm being hyperbolic here, but North Korea will eventually fall. Their population's hearts will be crushed to find out they are the laughingstock of the world. And then what? How do they feed themselves? How do they enter into the world market? Who the hell is going to invest in a country that has little electrical infrastructure, few roads, and no relevant current-market capabilities? North Korea with nukes? That doesn't worry me in the least. They are as likely to nuke themselves just trying to launch a missile. It's when the regime fails, that I am worried about.