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thenewgreen · 3270 days ago · link · · parent · post: How am I to be less needy? How do I make friends?
Good luck!I must admit: I'm still reluctant to do it due to the inner critic wordlessly telling me that I don't deserve it, and the wordless beliefs are the hardest to counter), I could use your support and outside perspective on things.
We are just people on the Internet. -granted, some of them are pretty awesome people, but still we are largely unable to help you. You need to go see someone. I think the will help greatly. You can do it!!! Take steps towards it today. I have always found that female therapists have been much better, for me. Also, I have liked therapists that take a more mindful approach. -sounds like you are working on silencing your "inner critic" -fins someone that has experience towards that end.