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jleopold  ·  3025 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: If you had the opportunity to remake yourself, would you?

I'm still fairly young, and so I think I answer yes because I'm not remaking myself, I'm just making myself. I have some sort of vague idea of who I want to be and the steps to get there, and some of that contradicts with who I am right now. A lot of my concept of self stems from a Douglas Hofstadter book called I Am a Strange Loop. Our concept of self stems from events, which we experience only through our concept of self. So, "I" am strange loop becasue I arise from my experiences. The description leaves plenty open, but works well with my life experiences. So, remaking the self would result from dissatisfaction with the observer of past life events. Yet I think it would also stem from those life events. Basically, the remade self would still be firmly rooted in the prior self, I think. And when I think of it that way, I see it more as a continuous, almost accidental process of changes than a sudden re-making.