It took me embarrassingly long to get the hang of combining Python 3 and the API, but once I understood what I was doing I made this small script. I put it up on Github. Any criticism is welcome, I'm not a Python expert. The script that gives you a sorted list of everyone who voted on a post or comment. For example, for rob's post it returns this in the command line: Title: Hubski prototypical API is here List of votes, sorted from first voter to last: 1: thenewgreen 2: War 3: mk 4: caelum19 5: camarillobrillo 6: forwardslash 7: nowaypablo 8: thundara 9: StJohn 10: OftenBen 11: demure 12: am_Unition 13: ihya1324 14: veen 15: whanhee 16: tauta_krypta 17: NoTroop 18: lelibertaire 19: Cumol 20: querx 21: KittehCult 22: aeromill 23: GodOfAtheism Press Enter to exit... It ain't perfect but I think it's cool that I conjured this up in a few hours. insomniasexx or rob, how can I get a simple .py like this up on the web as something that runs on a server? As in, an online version of the command line that runs my file. I tried some of the services from this free Github student pack but I am such a webdev noob that I don't have a clue what does what. I've heard of Docker, is that what I'm looking for? Pub ID: 266825