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veen  ·  3421 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Self-driving cars can be fooled by fake signals

Nicely put. One problem with the realtime checkup is that that level of communication and processing of data likely can't happen in the way you described anytime soon.

The sensors they used a while ago spit out 750MB per second. My guess is that they only upload critical errors and path diversions live. Connecting to all cars around, filtering to those that passed this particular road segment, querying them for past data, retrieving their info and running a Bayesian-like algorithm can take quite a while. Longer than it takes to brake, that's for sure.

By the way, did I ever show you how your future surveillance state might look like? I found these cool images recently. They take the Lidar data and color every dot according to the camera footage. The first image is from Oxford university, the second and third are from HERE (now bought by Audi / Mercedes / BMW):