I liked SE:L. it's different from what I usually watch, but I've been meaning to branch out to different genres for a while now, so it was well worth watching for the Hubski anime club. if anyone gave up on SE:L on the first few episodes, I'd encourage them to at least watch 1/2 of it before making up their mind. I had no clue what was going on at the end of the first episode, but things gradually began to make sense more and more each episode. SE:L dumps a lot on your plate and cleans up the mess as it goes. one thing I'd like to comment on in the sound design. SE:L doesn't waste any of your time with the sound. you know how other shows will use background music to fill the space? none of that here. SE:L isn't afraid of silence. everything's meaningful, to the point where I began to question the meaning, if any of the humming of the power lines. on the topic of anime club pacing, I think that 1 week was enough time to finish it. granted, I'm a student on summer beak and thus have ample time, but I was done the 18th. the trick is to watch as many episodes as you can in one sitting and skip the OP/ED after the first episode to save time; you're not missing anything and you're saving like 4 minutes. someone should do a poll of us to find out how long people took to finish one last thing. was anyoine else disappionted with the character design of God? for the physical embodiement of God himself I expected something more along the lines of this. but wait, he wasn't really God, was he? no. not really. anyways this has been great! i'm looking forward to the next round.