I cannot blame you, bit. mk What if we didn't allow new accounts to post to askhubski? :D :D I'm mostly kidding, but also, god damn do new kids like to ask questions that have already been asked and aren't that interesting. Seriously I would care about your goal of the week if I cared about you, (pick a user at random). But I don't. I don't know you. I have no reason to care or to share except maybe a bunch of people will think my goal is cool and spoke me or comment vaguely flattering things about it at me. I know this is going to sound crazy but I don't get off much on other people's validation, especially when they're all hollow masks of a crowd. So I'm not going to share a goal just so other people circlejerk it. And also, person who asked that question: I don't mean my comments personally, I just picked the last askhubski post I could remember that wasn't something completely stupid like ("when's your birthday?"), seriously, please don't have a shitfit. I hate everyone posting in AskHubski right now and it has only the littlest bit to do with actual-you.