So many games to look forward to after E3! I made a long list of games that got my attention or IP's that have given me lots of enjoyment before. There were a lot of new IP's i've never heard of before E3 this year, and most of them seems kinda interesting. The game that is on top of my list, simply because of the passion from the developers and an heartwarming presentation at E3, is Unravel. It is a really cute puzzle platformer which looks both gorgeous and interesting. My second game would be either Cuphead or Firewatch. Cuphead looks amazing with its old-timey cartoon style, and its arcade gameplay. Other than these games, there's the new Doom, Fallout, and Dishonored, from E3. I have many more, but I'm still curious to more from them. Last but not least, I want to say "Yooka-Laylee" from Playtonic, a company formed by former Rare members. It's the spirutual successor to Banjo-Kazooie, and I can't even begin to describe how much I want it!