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shappyrohman · 3530 days ago · link · · parent · post: Let's talk about Wes Anderson and the hype...
I have not seen Bottle Rocket, but I don't think it matters regarding my problems with him. What he made in the beginning may be different, but his current output is what I am exposed to and where I take issue. i may love Bottle Rocket, it's on my list to watch. Wes is piggybacking off of the French New Wave (which he absolutely loves) with regard to visual style and alerting the viewers to the fact they are watching a movie. I don't mind paying homage to the New Wave, I just think Wes is waaaay too heavy-handed. I respect your taste , he's just not my cup of tea I suppose. I'm more of a dark, mysterious, brooding type. Gimme movies that just show despondent frenchmen smoking cigarettes for 3 hrs and call it a day haha