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cgod  ·  3420 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hmm bacon!

    It is disgusting, that you'd go as low as comparing a form of activism which calls for stopping unnecessary cruelty with a violent type of war, which is what jihadists are known for.

Most Muslims don't view jihad as a violent thing. Jihad is a struggle or resistance to support a good cause. There are guys waging jihad against litter. Seems like a pretty reasonable thing to say about your position, you are struggling against something you see as unjust or evil with a blind religious fervor that pushes you to alienate reasonable people like me who have found some of your content thoughtful.

    You're obviously not prepared to analyse your way of living. You are bothered by it because its forcing you to look at what you try so hard to ignore. It's ironic that you find a picture of what you eat, threatening to your way of living.

You seem to know a lot about me. I don't know what picture I found threatening but I do know what an info graphic is and I know that a hog's head isn't bacon. Takes me back to your need to take a basic rhetoric class. You want to persuade people that they shouldn't eat meat so you post a bloody hogs head and call it bacon. To someone who isn't on board with your crusade that's just dumb, it's not bacon, it's a hog's head. So someone showed you where bacon was and you got snitty. Snitty doesn't persuade either, you belittled their picture of where the parts of the hog are. I got annoyed at your belittling, I know what an info graphic is and I know what it's function is, it isn't there to be cute, it's there to be informative. So I called your nonsense out. It's really outside the debate on animal ethics, it really comes down to credibility, that which you shed when abandon careful use of ethos, pathos and logos in favor of hysterical snittyness.

    And for the 100th time, if you aren't vegan and you're trying to tell me how best to get the message across - then just tell me what to say to you, and I'll say it back, and then you'll go vegan right? Yeah, I didn't think so.

I'm not here to tell you what to say but to maybe to clue you in to a better way of saying it. Cicero was the fourth most powerful man in the greatest age of Rome and all he had was his pen and his tongue. If you want to persuade people take some rhetoric classes, otherwise it looks like you just want to be an angry spamming jerk. I suppose you could take marketing classes but marketing and marketers are the devil and it's not a way I'd chose to go. I really don't care if I persuade you to learn how to get people to listen to you, you're a hysterical spammer so filled with religious zeal that I would prefer you just went away.