"Can I get you another drink?" "Actually, I'd like an IPA." I hear actually used in this manner every time I work. If I'm helping someone and they drop a useless "Actually" I'll hear a coworker guffaw cause they know how bad it gets under my skin. I don't know if it's a regional disease or if it's spreading throughout the western world like wild fire but it's been pickup up it's pace in the past few years. I used to only hear it once in a while but now it's at least once a day if not half a dozen. I want to say "Actually an IPA is a beer you dumb bastard". "What'll ya have?" "I'll do a highlife." You don't do beer, or whiskey, you drink it. You can do cocaine or heroin but you just drink a beer. When I get the "Actually, I'll do a" for the fourth or fifth time in a day I usually can help but give a snort of laughter. I don't know why it's so hard for people to say "may I have a." Not everyone notices manners but the people who do really notice. It takes no more effort to ask with courtesy than it does with a "actually I'll do a" but it might get you better pour or some other courtesy that is within my power. I try and buy every regular who uses gentle courtesy or a drink at least once a year, it's something I appreciate. I doesn't bother me if you don't have good manners just don't drop an "Actually I'll do a" on me.