- What was on the menu? What were you drinking?
We made some pasta with alfredo sauce and shrimp. The wife then promptly went to bed at like 8pm. Then I had a few 7and7s and and got some much needed time in Lightroom to edit photos.
Thanks for the thoughts on daughters, I've heard that sentiment a lot from numerous other parents I know. When coming into have a baby I was kind of all, "I hope it's a boy", but didn't really have any reasoning beyond being male myself. But the more I hear, read, and think about it, the more I'm looking forward to having a girl. I really didn't care too much either way, but my wife was ecstatic to have a girl I think. Her mom died when she was in her teens and they had a really close relationship, and she feels this is kind of her giving back to the universe in a way. We're naming her after her late mother and grandmother.
I'll be sure to check back in at some point.