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lil  ·  3588 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Guns Don't Kill People

I don't know, maybe you can buy guns at a pawn shop or on-line at Gun Mall Canada -- but first you need a P.A.L.

Yes, in Canada, the licence to own a gun is called a PAL. Possession and Acquisition Licence. You take a course + test ($150), or just take a test ($40). When you have your PAL, you go shopping.

I had an experience like the one in your top line: "If he's living under your roof, we can't really do much." Apparently though, if he throws so much as a pillow at you, that's assault and they can haul him off. Or so they said. Long ago, in a province far away.

Thanks for your comments kb.